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Sunday 12 January 2020

10 Websites To Make Money Online For FREE In 2020 💰 (No Credit Card Required!)

hey everybody so to kick off the new

year I thought that recently I've been

doing quite a few serious heavy Posts
topics lately so I thought today I'm

going to do something that is fun

motivational well being educational at

the same time I decided to set myself a

challenge but something that I know a

lot of you have wanted me to do could I

find 10 websites online where you can

make money for free that's right I want

to find 10 entirely free websites well

you can make money without having to

spend any money to make it no head and

subscription services no head and fees

nothing like that perhaps this might

become a series if you guys like it

but you know what the challenge doesn't

end there I decided to up the ante could

I find 10 websites where people are

making money online for free without

needing a credit card and you know what

I think I've delivered now disclaimer

these team websites they are not going

to make you a millionaire overnight but

as you'll see you're taking action

people have built up money streams on

these websites including passive income

that now earns them a full time income

which i think is pretty cool so I'm

hoping that this post is going to

motivate you and smash some of those

mental roadblocks that you may have been

having we think things like oh you need

money to make money or you need to live

in America or you need a credit card

because you know what those myths they

are not true what you actually need is

to take action so let's kick things off

with a bang because this first website

it can be used worldwide yep this

website is making people money worldwide

but to do so you're going to need to

know the secret hack which I will show

you now when you see this first website

I don't want you to click away because I

bet some of you are going to go Sarah

look I'm not talented enough to make

money using that website but you know

what I bet that isn't true

so website number one RedBubble calm so

what is RedBubble and how does it make

money well there is a website that

allows you to make money by creating and

selling custom products online so it

lets you create things like t-shirts

phone cases that sort of thing but how

do you make them well it's simple once

you create an account which is

absolutely free and you

into your name and email address you can

start uploading artwork and designs to

products literally at least in a minute

no credit card required you can choose

which products you want to list and sell

with your artwork online and you can

customize your products choose what

color they will come in what style add

in your own custom product description

and title then when a customer purchases

one of them such as this t-shirt red

bubbles production warehouse will print

your design onto a t-shirt package that

t-shirt up and then ship it out to the

customer automatically without you

having to do anything in this industry

we have a name for the service

it's called print on demand and as you

can see once you've created and uploaded

your designs onto the products it's an

extremely passive source of income with

red bubble they pay you a commission on

each product sold with the standard

commission rate being 20% because they

pay you out as a commission you never

have to pay any fees and so selling is

free and I can imagine for some of you

out there though there are two big

objections that you might be having

right now

objection one okay Sarah but is it

actually free sure I can create a

t-shirt the south but what about traffic

don't I have to pay to advertise my

t-shirt the answer is nope you know how

people come to eBay and they search for

products that they want to buy here eBay

has invested lots of money into

advertising to say the least and so now

it's so well known that it's what you

would call a destination website people

come here and buy products each day and

so most a base sellers make their money

just by people searching for their


well rib bubble is the same it's a

destination website people come here

looking for products that they want to

buy and so most red bubble sellers make

money through free traffic that they get

to the eliciting sphere the search bar

now it's on to objection number two okay

Sarah that's great you know but what if

I'm not a graphic artist you know look

that's a cool picture on that phone case

there but I can't draw that and you know

what neither could i I couldn't draw

these sweaters and I couldn't draw that

cold t-shirt but here's the thing to

make money on red bubble you don't need

to be an artist and I'll prove it to you

right now so we're going to head on over

to one of red bubbles most popular

products t-shirts and we're going to

look the funny

t-shirts by typing funny into the search

bar and I think a lot of people are

going to be very surprised because check

this out these are some of the

top-selling designs right now on

RedBubble for funny t-shirts and a bunch

of them are incredibly simple text-based

designs now let me ask you a question

does this t-shirt here look difficult to

make because how tell you now it's

incredibly easy I have very little

graphic design skills I normally have to

hire people to make designs for me but

even I was able to replicate this design

and make one that looks extremely

similar using the free app canva with

open-source commercial license fonts and

it took me less than five minutes

because it's literally just takes anyone

could have made this t-shirt uploaded it

and sewed it and that's the secret if

you have no graphic design skills and

you want to make money focus on selling

humorous t-shirts because often types

simple text-based designs

add to the humor and make it funnier

than if it had had a more complicated

design all right see sewed your funny

t-shirts that's awesome but how do I get

paid Sarah well RedBubble have to

payment options first of all they can

pay up directly to a Pay Pal or they can

pay out directly to a bank now

unfortunately bank deposits are only

available in limited countries however

there is a workaround and that is paying

in with Payoneer you can sit up here USA

bank account to receive money in all

online for free

now most people don't think that you can

set up a RedBubble account to Payoneer

because RIT bubble requires your bank's

physical address which Payoneer doesn't

tell you in your account info but they

will send it to you if you contact and

ask their support by doing this people

have connected the Payoneer bank

accounts to RIT bubble and they have

accepted payments into it and I can

imagine you're all thinking Sarah near

this Oh sounds good at all but does this

simple t-shirt actually well you know

make money on red bubble the answer is

it sure does you see how this team shirt

is sitting here in the search results

well rip bubble is similar to it see

search engine if I type in funny

t-shirts and it see search engine I'll

get lots of results too in fact there

are thousands of funny t-shirts on

it's a literally so how do they choose

which t-shirts are going to list on the

first page the number one way that the

search engine decides that is worth

sales if a t-shirt is selling it will

sit higher in the search results we know

then that all of these t-shirts on the

first page must have sold recently the

same is with RedBubble we know that all

of the t-shirts that are here on the

first page have sold recently so yes

simple text based designs win funny can

so great but Sarah you say how can I get

those initial sales so that my t-shirt

will start ranking for bigger words like

funny when I'm just getting started

well there is a secret hack which I am

going to show you Rob I then go for a

broader humorous t-shirt if you're stuck

for ideas create a niche specific design

and look for niches and groups of people

that have been ignored so for example

this t-shirt here it's pretty specific

right it's about engineers this is a

good idea because engineers are

passionate about their jobs and they

love wearing career specific match it's

just one problem with this niche if we

do a search on rip bubble for funny

engineer t-shirts you know what we'll

see that there are lots of t-shirts

already that we would have to compete

with for sales and so that's what you

should do come and see if you can find

groups of people who don't already have

any t-shirts made for them so if we

check out another passionate career

science teachers will see that yep they

have lots of t-shirts made for them but

jokes about being specifically a science

teacher but what about another type of

teacher what about a drama teacher if we

come and do a search for that

we'll find something interesting while

there are t-shirts aimed at people

interested in drama and theater and

general teacher t-shirts there are very

very few aimed specifically at drama

teachers the snitch is completely wide

open for someone to create a great funny

t-shirt aimed at them and to take all

the sales and traffic as a gift for

drama teachers because again if you come

to the search bar and this time type in

guest speakers drama teachers you'll see

again will get gifts aimed at theater

lovers and gifts aimed at teachers in

general but very very few aimed at drama

teachers as this group has just been

completely ignored on red Bob

it's wide open for you or anyone to come

in and make great products for and by

the way if you have learned something

new and you would like to learn even

more about making money online and be

sure to hit that subscribe button and

click that little notification bar next

to it so that you don't miss out on any

of our posts all right on to the next

website and I think that a lot of people

are probably going to recognize it

because it's featured on YouTube a lot

but you probably never realized that it

could be making you money and then it's

actually making some people over a

hundred thousand dollars a year

largely in passive and count now there

are two ways to make money with this

website the first is the slow way and

that is the more obvious way to make

money with it

however after that I'm then gonna tell

you about the little know one way to

make much faster money with it and to

make way way more money than you would

with the first method and don't worry

when a lot of people see this website

they're gonna go look Sarah I'm not

skilled enough I'm not qualified enough

I can't do it however if you keep

listening as you'll see you don't need

to be special or have any skills at all

so we are here on Skillshare this

website sponsors a lot of youtubers and

no they are not sponsoring this post

anyway normally people come here and pay

them team dollars a month to get access

to all their post classes so for

example if I wanted to learn how to make

a lasse I could just type that into the

search box and boom I'd get given a

bunch of free video classes I could

watch such as this one and here is what

most people don't know this class it was

just made by some random guy because

anyone is allowed to make a skill share

class and start making money with it me

you anyone and on average new teachers

make between two hundred to three

thousand dollars in their first month

which is pretty cool that's not the best

part the best part is that once you put

your classes up all that money that

you're earning it is passive and

remember that is how much they earn in

your first month with their first course

imagine what happens when they then go

and create another one and then create

another one it all adds up and once your

class is live Irit had to do anything

that is how people have been able to

make over $100,000

yeah but skill chef so the way that you

get paid on Skillshare is for each

minute somebody watches your videos you

get paid so if I wanted to learn how to

make French press coffee I'd watch this

five-minute video and then hit be paid

for each of those five minutes now you

might have noticed that this says it is

only had a thousand students well all

that means is a thousand people have

watched a big chunk of this whole course

but the vast vast majority of people

will only watch the specific videos that

they want so for example most people

will come in here and say you know what

I just want to know how to make cold

brew coffee because they only watched

this one video they won't be noted as a

student but he'll still get paid for all

of those views just the same and as you

can see this video is super simple it

was probably filmed on a cell phone and

bad ly Singh and based on the audio


he probably just used the cell phone

microphone and here is another video

course it's literally just someone

talking while they recorded this screen

there is no fancy editing and quiet here

and if you wanted to make even more

money from your classes you could put

them up on our third website you to me

udemy is another website that also lets

you sell your courses IMAX go share

which is a subscription service here

people buy your courses individually

because of that earnings on udemy do

tend to be higher teaching

estimates at about 40% our classes have

made over $5,000

no she go friend that makes about

$25,000 a year with one course which is

neat however you guys might be thinking

well Sarah that's great no there's just

two problems one I don't have any skills

I've got nothing to teach how could I

make a class and then sell it and Sarah

I've got another problem with all of

this that's great no but you know what I

want even more money than that well

never fear because I've got you covered

so here's what you do check this out if

we come in and type in Photoshop as we

can see lots of people want Photoshop

tutorials and guess what

you can make these for free most of

these tutorial videos are just a mixture

of talking over slideshows and talking

over screen captures of people doing the

editing and side of Photoshop and even

if you're like me and

have a quote-unquote funny accent and

people don't like the way that she

pronounce words never fear because lots

of these Photoshop tutorials also

feature people with foreign accents but

anyway regardless let's come on over to

youtube and type in Photoshop tutorials

it will get a bunch of tutorial videos

and you know what you can do you can

take the popular topics and videos

recreate them yourself and then go

unless those videos on Skillshare and

udemy you don't need to be a Photoshop

guru but wait Sarah you say don't I need

to pay ten dollars to buy a monthly

Photoshop subscription nope Photoshop

has a free 7-day trial download it and

hustle hard for those seven days and

record lots and lots of tutorial videos

but wait Sarah you say don't I need

money to buy screen capture software

make these videos nope check this out

there is a free open-source screen

capture software and there is free video

editing software for you to use but wait

Sarah you say don't I need to buy a mic

to do the voiceover well not a few have

a phone that can record audio and it

gets even better because adobe has an

affiliate program that you can use to

make even more money so if you don't

know what an affiliate program is let me

show you I'm here on my website

wholesale tiered now if we click on this

link we'll get taken to my favorite

ecommerce platform Shopify and if we

come and check out the URL will see it

has a tracking code attached

this means that Shopify tricks everyone

that clicks on it and if they buy a

subscription I'll get a commission and

check this out each year I make well

over a hundred thousand dollars a year

with Shopify commissions with my

affiliate links so yes I very much

believe that this is a superior way to

make money on Skillshare it's allowed

but you know what not a lot of people

are doing it on Skillshare

so once you've made your Skillshare and

udemy courses sign up for the Adobe

affiliate program and get your tracking

link then put the link in the

description of your Photoshop tutorials

and sow people but they can click on it

to get a free trial for Photoshop and

each time someone buys Photoshop or when

they're Derby products you will get 85%


on their first month subscription so if

you want to make even more money from

these platforms create video lessons on

products that have affiliate programs

and free trials for you to take

advantage of and here at the tip

Skillshare actually has two different

accounts you can sign up for you can

sign up for their $10 a month account

which you can easily get a free two

month trial for but you don't need that

to create a course to create a course on

there and become a teacher all you need

is their free plan and of course once

you have gone ahead and recreated

tutorial videos that you found on

YouTube what's stopping you from posting

up onto YouTube itself so this of course

is my fourth website on the list so here

is one of my tutorial videos this

teaches people how to set up a Shopify

store using my favorite ecommerce app

the platform

Shopify lets been up for 10 11 months

now and it's made me a fair chunk of

change in Adsense revenue nine thousand

dollars for one video not bad but the

real money of course comes from

affiliate commissions I put my Shopify

link in the video description people

click on it and buy Shopify so while

this video has made about nine thousand

dollars in USD for ad revenue alone it's

made tens of thousands of dollars in

addition to that and affiliate

commissions the thing is is you're

probably like well sir look you are in a

little box there and I don't want to

have to be on camera for my tutorials

you told me I didn't have to be on

camera to make money from tutorial

videos and you know what it is true take

a look at this tutorial teaching people

how to set up a store with Shopify it's

even more popular than mine and there is

no one on camera at OU it's just someone

filming your screen while they click

buttons and talk over it so there is no

camera required and so if you aren't

Skoob of filming and editing videos

tutorials are a great way to get started

making money on YouTube of course if you

do have actual video skills then you

might want to consider this next website

shadow stock of course on here you can

sell photos and videos that you take a

stock footage and do people buy this

absolutely I myself spend lots of money

on stock videos in fact I've used stock

videos and this video multiple times and

some of the clips have bought have been

incredibly basic for example I bought

this clip here which anyone

could have filmed just by sticking a

fork a really smart phone on a tripod

that's it no fancy filming it's

literally just a still shot of people

walking past their forever 21 store that

was shutting down due to their

bankruptcy I know people that make

thousands of dollars passively each

month of their portfolios the way that

they make it though isn't by selling

photos it is by selling videos that are

in 4k these have the highest royalty

Commission's so if Shutterstock sounds

like something that you'd like to make

money from I highly recommend focusing

on 4k video now the next video is

something that my regular subscribers

will probably recognize and I think that

you guys are going to be pretty

interested in some of the case studies

that I'm going to show you and this is

that merch by Amazon see a lot of people

don't know this but amazon has its own

print on demand service too that works

just like RedBubble you need to submit

an application and I do recommend

googling these practices for submitting

an application but if you're accepted

you get access to the print on demand

service all you need to do is upload a

piece of artwork or a design and Amazon

will create these products for you and

you can create an Amazon product listing

that people can find just by using this

search engine you can set your own price

add in your own title description and

fully edit your listings now some people

use merch by Amazon as a source of site

income some people use a turn a full

time anchor this t-shirt here it was

made with Amazon's merch by Amazon

program and according to the Amazon

sales research tool Jungle Scout in the

past month it sold roughly 630 shirts

now based on the product price that's

roughly 4 dollars 50 cent Commission a

shirt so it made his Creator roughly two

thousand eight hundred dollars in profit

this month alone and for many people

that's a full-time income and check this

out the simple text-based t-shirt

piggybacking off of the new meme and

phrase that came out of that incident

this t-shirt has been regularly selling

well since it launched and according to

jungle scout has sold roughly 450 shirts

this month alone and since this t-shirt

is priced lower it has a smaller

Commission per shirt of three dollars

and seventy cents so this t-shirt made

about $1,600 in profit which is nice

side income let's see

so the most according to the jungle

scout research app roughly at 1080

shares and at this price that made its

creator roughly three dollars a shirt

which means over three thousand two

hundred dollars and profit as you can

see this t-shirt has been up since 2017

making its creator money passively for

free just like with RedBubble Amazon is

obviously a destination website so they

take care of the marketing for you and

bring in the customers and just like

with RedBubble

its commission based so if i were to

sell this t-shirt for $17.99 amazon

would remove their fees to sell and

produce this t-shirt and pay out three

dollars and seventy two cents as a

commission so you don't need to pay for

the costs of producing the t-shirt to

sell it

amazon takes it out of the product price

and so how do you get your commissions

well amazon pays them out into a bank

account and that includes a Payoneer

account all right so my next web site

it's a bit of a cliche but trust me

don't click away because I'm gonna tell

you the secret as to how you can

actually make money on it alright so I'm

here on Fiverr

now if you don't know what five hours

it's a place where freelancers can offer

their services in the form of one of

goods that people can buy it's free to

create and list of goods selling your

services so if you're a freelancer this

is a great site to make money and

seriously I spend so much money on here

I have spent thousands buying people's

ghosts last years so I know a lot of

money can be made on here because I paid

people thousands of dollars each year

now usually people hate Fiverr as a

suggestion to make money because they'll

go it's too competitive but that's

because everyone is trying to make goods

like everyone else is doing such as

offering a blog post rank service lots

of people have this and so to make sales

you need to have lots of reviews to

stand out or if they're artistic they

are trying to make gigs around super

popular services like designing t-shirts

for print-on-demand stores again you'll

need lots of reviews to stand out but

you know what that's not how you make

money as they broke freelancer on fiber

nope check this out sneakers are a

popular print on to my product because

they can sell for high prices so I

wondered either any goods that

advertise print-on-demand sneakers and

well it turned out that there was only

one listing I could find on fiber and

that was that there might have been more

than this but they have been very poorly

optimized for the search keywords and so

this listing despite being quite new is

getting lots of orders this is a service

that lots of people want and need and

there is only one person offering it and

there are lots of services out there

just like this but lots of room for you

to come in and take over the key here is

to do the research and don't just try to

sow what everyone else is and if you are

a freelance writer based in the USA and

you just want to make money writing I

don't want to have to hustle for clients

be sure to check out the site Tex buco

the way this works is that you sign up

for the website and you take a writing

sample test based on that you're

assigned a little most people I know

who've got A's and B's in English class

at school

your four star ranking immediately

earning you one point four cents word

once a science you can even log into the

orders portal choose an order and write

the article for it now I don't know

about you but I can easily fries to one

thousand word article in an hour which

would be fourteen dollars an hour with a

four star ranking but if you work on

your writing craft and hit that

five-star ranking now you make fifty

dollars an hour but yes unfortunately

I'm fairly certain it's only available

for Americans however the next website

it is available worldwide anyone from

anywhere can make money with it check

this out twenty eight thousand six

hundred US dollars in the past five

months this was how much money was made

for my next website Instagram you know

there are a lot of opportunities for

people to earn money online with

Instagram so those twenty eight thousand

six hundred dollars was made from free

organic Instagram traffic from one page

with less than fifty thousand followers

in a specific niche by a friend of mine

and they built that page just by posting

great niche specific content they didn't

pay for any ads and so the way they

monetized it was they created an ebook

for free using this free ebook creator

app and the next they created a free two

week trial on click funnels and they

made a mini website that sold their

ebook and you know you can actually sell

products but click

and pay nothing over that two-week trial

period which I found pretty insane that

they don't make you upgrade early if you

actually try to sell things and so after

that they didn't announce their ebook to

the Instagram page and within their

first week they had sold over $7,000 and

of course over the past five months the

made over twenty eight thousand six

hundred dollars in total and they were

selling their ebook for less than $20

but people I am sorry I have to admit

something to you I lied to you today

this method wasn't free because they

also bought an $8 and 88 cents domain name and connected

it to the funnel instead of using clip

funnels free subdomain Sara how could

you you promised us only free methods

and eight dollars and eighty-eight cents

is not free that's eight dollars and

eighty-eight cents look I'm sorry you're

right let me make it up to you by

showing you two completely free methods

that you can use to make money with

Instagram here is one way this Instagram

main page for cats or when you click on

the link in the bio and links you to

their print-on-demand store where they

are selling their own t-shirts and

remember what anyone can do anyone can

create their own free print-on-demand

store using rid bubble and start selling

t-shirts with free Instagram traffic

right now and here is another way do you

see this Instagram page

somebody has built it for free just by

re posting keep photos and videos of

dogs well if you check out the latest

post we'll see that it's actually a

video ad for a product that creates a

custom necklace of your dog and if we

cheek up your buyer will see a link to

that product this was a paid

advertisement bought by this online

store we're felicity and they likely

purchase this Instagram shoutout ad on a

site similar to the next one on my list

sharp cart this is a website that lets

Instagram accounts sell shoutouts you

buy it for a limited amount of hours

usually and after that it gets deleted

this allows pages to advertise without

clogging up your feed without chat ups

are an easy low effort way to make money

on Instagram but of course you could

take that money you earn from them and

reinvest that back into an $8 an 88

cents domain name

makes even more money so did I deliver

on my challenge let me know in the

comment section and if you have any

other websites you'd like to add to this

list and be sure to put them in the

comment section so that you can help

clear that mental roadblock that a lot

of people have that makes them think

that they need money to make money and

of course if you would like even more

free training on creating a

print-on-demand store they'd be sure to

download my free ebook the six tips at

six-figure online stores follow to make

over $10,000 a month and you'll find

links download that ebook and the post


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