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Saturday 18 January 2020

Rotten Tomatoes Reviews For Bad Boys For Life Are In

It's an age-old question: Bad boys, bad boys…

"What'cha gonna do?"

"Well, maybe if you sang the song like you
meant it, it would catch on."

Will Smith and Martin Lawrence have returned
for a third installment of the Bad Boys franchise

and even though we haven't seen the likes
of Mike Lowery and Marcus Burnett since 2003,

Bad Boys for Life has managed to earn some
favorable reviews.

In case you need a refresher, here's the story
so far: Smith and Lawrence play two wisecracking

Miami narcotics detectives who duke it out
with numerous drug dealers and smugglers.

We first met these two crazy guys in 1995's
Bad Boys, which also happened to be director

Michael Bay's very first feature film.

The movie certainly wasn't a critical darling,
but it was ultimately a box office hit thanks

largely to the stars' chemistry.

When Bad Boys II came out in 2003, it rocked
a much bigger budget which meant more car

chases, more explosions, more everything.

The film earned nearly twice as much as the
original… but the whopping budget ultimately

kept it from being considered a commercial

Unfortunately, most critics thought Bad Boys
II was way worse than the first installment.

But this time around, the franchise has finally
won over some critics.

According to CinemaBlend's Sean O'Connell,
Lawrence and Smith still have the same great


He writes:

"These actors just click.

The odd-couple formula isn’t groundbreaking,
with Smith easily occupying the bulletproof

playboy role and Lawrence personifying the
reluctant family man with one eye on retirement.

But no matter how much time has passed, the
two actors [...] maintain a razor-sharp rapport

that helps Bad Boys For Life sizzle in between
its explosive action sequences."

Collider's Matt Goldberg clearly agrees with
that assessment and he also appreciated getting

an intimate glimpse into the lead character's
personal lives:

"Bad Boys for Life... [retains] the ridiculous
action of Bad Boys II while discarding the

go-for-broke mentality in favor of a story
about the importance of family.

[...] And honestly?

It works!"

"...but family is the only thing that matters,
so I'm not gonna let you go on a suicide mission


Meanwhile, some critics were clearly suffering
from franchise fatigue but were nevertheless

impressed with the film.

The Hollywood Reporter's Todd McCarthy writes

"[Bad Boys for Life] is decisively the best
of the trio; it actually has a heart, or what

passes for one in a gigantic, slam-bang industrial
enterprise like this.

[...] It's impressive and enjoyable to behold
how easily Smith and Lawrence slide back into

these characters and actually make them more
accessible and fun to be around than before."

Of course, that's not to say that every review
is glowing.

Evan Dossey of Midwest Film writes:

"Incoherent and interminable, but not in the
glorious way audiences have grown to love

from former franchise visionary Michael Bay,
[Bad Boys For Life] is a true mid-January

studio writeoff."

And along those same lines, ReelViews' James
Berardinelli dismissed the film as nothing

more than a cynical cash grab.

"There's nothing here to justify the film's
existence or reward the looooooong wait of

those fans who have been expecting this movie
for more than a decade.

It's more of the same: Violence-saturated
eye candy used to buff Smith's ego and inflate

his bank account.

It serves its purpose: an attempt to re-start
a dormant franchise to give Sony another bankable


And the award for Most Vicious Review definitely
goes to Slant's Jake Cole, who writes:

"[Michael] Bay doesn’t direct [...] Bad
Boys for Life, leaving one to wonder what

purpose this franchise serves if not to give
expression to his nationalist, racist, and

misogynistic instincts."

As if that wasn't more than enough, Cole goes
on to say:

"Glib entertainments like Bad Boys for Life
[play] a part in normalizing the increasing

police-state tactics and mentality of our
nation’s over-armed law enforcement."

A damning assessment, to be sure… but such
is life in 2020: One man's buddy film is another

man's ringing endorsement of a burgeoning
police state.

At any rate, Bad Boys for Life is earning
much better reviews than its predecessors,

and we'll have to wait and see how that ultimately
translates at the box office.

The film opens nationwide on January 17th.

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