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Sunday 12 January 2020

Samsung A20s Durability Review Did Sammy take A20 BEND FAIL Seriously WATER SCRATCH DROP PUBG

let's have a quickly look at the buildquality of the Samsung Galaxy a 20 whichmost probably had the weakest buildquality and plastic design made bySamsung and tested on the channel as youcan see Samsung a 20 had not doneparticularly well due to its weak designand build quality so in this video let'stest out the hardware performance andstructural integrity of the galaxy a 20sis Samsung taking this test seriouslyand have they improved the build qualityfor its loyal consumers like theimprovements seen on latest Sami andRadmila vicesSamson goes back to the galaxy a 20s sixmonths after the debacle of the galaxy a20 so it will be interesting to see ifthey have actually worked on improvingthe newer a 20s with a stronger build orhave they just kept the same weak designof the galaxy a 20 the galaxy a 20s hasslight improvements over the a 20 mainlywith a better quality sir in the budgetrange and the presence of a triplecamera setup as compared to dual camerason the a 20 though this time the a 20shas an LCD screen apart from that therest pretty much remains the same withthe four thousand milliamp s batterydedicated 1tb memory card slot rearfingerprint scanner and USB type-ccharging port another importantdifference is fake note off is theweight of the Samsung a 20s this time is183 grams which is comparatively a bitlighter then some 190 to 200 gramdevices but is a full 14 grams heavierthen the 169 grams galaxy a 20 andthankfully it seems to at least not feelweak in my usual trial Bend now beforethe drop test let's have a quick look atthe general and gaming performance ofthe Samsung a 20s for you guys who alsowant to know if it's lower thanmid-range device can gain a for throwswho want a secondary form the a 20s isequipped with the Qualcomm Snapdragon450 position in combination with a denim506 GPU which is just about okay for aless than moderate user or light user itis certainly not the fastest device atthis price range with noticeable lagsand slowness in the UIespecially noticeable if you have gottenused to processes like the Snapdragon650 5 7 12 /but if you can overlook the lack ofsmoothness and lag during heavy gameplaythen the a 20s is just about playable atthe lowest graphic settlements certainlynot recommended for heavy game historythe last sensing device to completelyfailed a top test was the galaxy a 70swhere the AMOLED display had sufferedtotal damage so let's find out if theLCD display on the a 20sthat's better than that performing thedrop test on the a 20s with an ordinarycase and tempered glass from differentanglesfirst from pocket Hey
to save our drops on marble from pocketmake the Samsung a 20s seems to handlethe abuse value now for the six dropfrom six feet ni from different anglesit is good news that a galaxy eight 90sdid pretty well in the drop this apartfrom just my neck tracks at the edge ofthe glass production the a 20s crossesthe test without suffering any internalor external damages like to the cameraunit or display next in the stress testto know the scratch-resistantcapabilities of this unnamed temperedglass production provided by the brandby rubbing it with common atoms found inpockets and the blade of a heavy-dutybox cutter Samsung have mostly had agood track record in my stress testswith high quality scratches in CorningGlass with oleophobic coating and thesame can be said of cheaper budget redmidevices with Corning Glass protection onthe other hand most devices tested onthe channel in the budget range of Oppovivo and real me with pre-applied fasterscreen predictors a highly scratch proneand are not able to handle the bleed sowill the provided glass production onthe samsung galaxy eight only s be ableto keep up this tradition as suspectedearlier apart from a few hell andstretches the glass production on thegalaxy a 20 s is similar to the qualityof Corning Glass production and passesmiss fastestpoints to remember is that the eightonly s is not water resistant and doesnot have official IP rating anotherthing is that the sim 3 does not have arubber seal on it something which somebudget devices from other brands doprovide for some degree of waterresistance testing as usual for thepresence of an oleophobic coating onthis unnamed tempered glass productionas of now it is not yet officiallylisted on the corning website andusually takes some time for it to showup on the site coming back to the autophobic coating this layer is mostlyabsent on devices with pre-appliedscreen predictors but other than that itis generally present even on lowestpriced budget devices like retina ithelps to lessen fingerman smudges and asyou can see his presence is proved whenwater rolls off the glass surface in theform of droplets instead of lying flaton glasses without a roller for be clearmost commonly the first thing to getaffected on non Waterston devices is thevolume and distortion of soundthe distorted low audio can last for afew seconds on some devices but can alsoprolong for several hours which canpermanently damage the sound of thedisplay unit and Samsung devices testedon the channel have not particularlydone well in this regard other than thatdevices can suffer from screenflickering issues or the display may goblank for several hours or it mightsuffer total and permanent displaydamage like in the Asus zenfone 5 Zalthough recently tested let me knowthey buy the display at permanently goneblank in the lights flashing known[Applause]it is kind of surprising that the galaxya 20s keeping Samson's track record inmind has performed this well in the lasthybrid wrenching round he passes mywater test with ease and suffers noliquid damage of any kind now moving onto fun stuff with value the pen testwhich gives you a clear idea about thebuild quality of devices has Samsungmade any structural changes to theGalaxy a 20s especially after themassive structural failure of the 820 assome of you might be aware that the a20had broken down with moderate amounts ofpressure from the first burn itself butunlike the a20the a 20s has managed to handle highamounts of force from the display sidewith no visible signs of damage crackingnoises or screen separation though itdid suffer from a light amount ofpermanent Bend and it is the same thingalso when pressure was applied from theback side the third pendo did manage tocreate a bit of gap in between thescreen and the volume buttons butultimately it locks out suffering nofurther damageSamsung seems to have taken the Ben testfields of soft plastic devices seriouslylike the a 50 na 70 and speciallyimproved upon the weakest build of the a20 this ultimately should benefit us inthe long run and ensure that theconsumers continue to get better qualitybills the Samsung Galaxy a 20 passes myBen test pretty convincingly due to itsimproved design and build quality


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