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Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Interview with Sushant Singh Rajput in Very pleasure Mode

Sushant Singh Rajput

Sushant Singh Rajput interview

succeed on one of the things that um as

I was sort of studying your journey one

of the things that's amazing about his

career is how often he stopped doing

things that give him security yeah to go

into things that are not secure and

probably very uncomfortable

oh so I want to go back a little bit to

the beginning you grew up in a

middle-class house with four older

sisters yes and you've talked a lot in

interviews about being a very shy child

who couldn't express himself um but then

discovered that he wanted to be an actor

so do you have a memory of the first

time you acted yeah uh way vividly

because there was the first time I was

actually saying something way

confidently in front of or in front of

strangers that was back in I think 2003

for with Betty Jean and there was this

play that I was doing and that was the

first time well that I experienced that

I can say something and I can influence

people in Harley I was I was in my first

year probably one of you guys that was

such a fascinating a feeling because I I

told myself well I can hide behind all

these interesting characters and I'll

tell everybody we are doing judge me

because it's not me when I play a

character I kind of find a way to fool

myself convince myself that I'm not

going with somebody else and that's such

a relief not well yourself I mean like

what do we do or everyday like we try

and project a personality that we think

we are and it's too much of an effort so

when you play a character is so much of

a relief not to play yourself with

somebody else and you actually get paid

for it

then you enrolled in an engineering

college where you pretty good academic

leaders but you dropped out because you

wanted to be an actor tell me about

where did you find the clarity to do

that and what did your parents say uh so

for 16 17 years of my life I somehow

convinced myself that I don't need to

speak because on at all well I had like

two three friends and

was very open with them but then that's

it because like you said I had forces

just I was so pampered and protected in

my family that why I should step out as

a kid I didn't know how to deal with

people so like why are they not treating

me as my family and they like they did

it was a complete contrast and I was

like okay let me not say anything that's

way safe so it happened for for 16 17

years of my life I told myself okay let

me be waiverable studies and that's how

I can have a place in society but I

think Shama was the first one who got me

into dancing on stage and I realized

that okay I can I can not say anything

and still exposition and and and perform

in a way that I can influence people in

some sort of a way and then he asked me

to join theater and the first play that

I did I was like wow what is this what

is exactly what I was missing to

communicate them like that's I think

that's the most important thing that we

miss or we want in our lives we want to

be understood by somebody else and when

you act that is what happens I mean like

when that resonance happens when you

feel something you you you connected and

they get it and that's the resonance

that happens and you feel so good about

it so I took three years into thinking

that okay is it just that I want to be

next shortcut or this dreams that man is

is wired

yes or it is is the thing that I'm doing

right now that excites me so much and I

was sure in the three years of doing

theater and I was like wow I'll be

wasting another year I'm doing and

generation three years of engineer yep I

was like just there two more semesters

and I would have been an engineer and

probably oh and we would have been a lot

sadder right

my dad will be very happy you still his

still talk Emily he still tells me all

the time that I know that you're doing

well and everything and I like you when

you act but tactically man you could

have Anita oh yeah

nobody I'm doing that like my

Engineering College it's a secret

between us my engineering colleges asked

me to come there and give a talk and

just interact with food and I I we

humbly requested them to give my degree

back heydo so they're there what's two

semesters between friends like this

considering here

so you're just there but tell me about

the day you made that decision and and

that clarity that comes with you know

you're this age and you say I'm almost

there an engineering degree it's such a

big thing in India how do you take that

call when you're that yeah I think most

of time most of the times I think we are

so conditioned into thinking that there

will be a day when we lose something and

that's where people will recognize who

you are and that will be the day but

then there is a thing in psychology

which we call impact bias where we have

this tendency of overestimating the

hedonic impact of anything that has to

do with the future so what we do what we

think is that okay if I get there that

is the same then everything will change

what if I fail then that's the end but

it doesn't happen like that like when I

was started making a lot of a lot of

money when I was into TV and money was a

big differentiator in my life by the way

and when people started recognizing me

over the first time it's a way strange

feeling but when they did I was feeling

away I was very excited I used to go to

malls and all so that people would just

be recognized I'm looking at but after a

point of time say about three months for

once you get used to it and you come

back to the same mental state so it is

not what would drive you for the rest of

your life no matter how successful you

are no matter how rich or recognize your

I think it's more it's not it's not

pursue of happiness it's the habit of

happiness so when you do what you want

to do you don't care what people say but

then you you which engineering he goes

into theater he goes into television

becomes extremely successful in

of it register yeah oh you know hey yeah

don't just it was if you were a big

television star you had money you had

Fame you had people in the more

recognized in you and then no guys and

then this is the kicker at the peak of

this television success he quits again

because he now wants to do something

else where does that come from see it

very it's not very easy but it's

comparatively easier to let's say say

engineering I'm not gonna do I'm gonna

pursue this but when you when you're in

a very comfortable State when when

you're successful how do you walk away

from success to pursue something that

you think will satisfy you

it's a very simple thing you just need

to stop and reflect what you're doing

that's it normally what happens is after

after such a strong momentum and

conditioning when we get what we want

we somehow find a way to fool ourselves

that this is what we want for the rest

of our lives but it's not the case if I

don't know how to go about my next

project that keeps me excited excited

like I'll give you an example the film

that was supposed to do in November

you got pushed because of some reason

and I had three months of free time

I think if Feb is then a very good time

in my next film study Abby haha so there

were three months of free time in

between I and they're like many film

office in between so I could have gone

for one of them but nothing excited me

so I'm doing a play right now

Hey yes so this is this guys who's

getting tickets first when is this play

when is it happening happen last week of

Jan and post we go Feb Deline weird

problem for three and and suvir's where

you guys can come and watch it oh what's

the song we still figuring out it's a

thing on more obvious two of us so come

and watch Utley so what I want to say at

this point of time is it's not that I'm

doing it to prove a point to somebody

else that I'm different because if you

do that and you become successful in

doing that you will have to put up with

a stranger all your life

so that is not what I'm trying to prove

it is just that that that's something

that that get gets me up 10 minutes

early in the morning you know way

excited way I don't know how to go about

it but but I want to get it get there so

it's it's the same thing that I have

followed since last failures probably

the same thing that happened in TV - I

was getting money everybody was like

very happy with me but I knew everyday

in the morning that what I was supposed

to do

it was just not no excitement it was

like wow it's I'm just wasting my time

so I didn't quit to get into films

because I may generally believe that

it's not an organic progression from

theater to TV to films it was just

because I wanted to go to UCLA - just to

know how to read the film so that I can

do it better as an actor and fortunately

I got Kuiper's and then that's how I

stayed back but between that time that

you stopped doing Patricia and you

landed i po che did you have like a dark

night of the soul some moment of

confusion anxiety insecurity but what

have I done

no nothing absolutely nothing and I say

it I really mean it when you have to

when you're continuously thinking what

people think of you is when the failure

is defined the success is defined your

your excitement is defined but if you're

just not concerned I'm not saying that

you should not just not be concerned

about what people say but when it has to

come with the work that you do that

equation between you and your work I

think nothing absolutely nothing should

interfere in that I always used to think

that there is one right way of doing it

and there are several wrong ways but in

that period I realized several right

ways of doing it and I was so probably

wrong in thinking what I thought how

long was this how long it was six months

so for six months you didn't know that

you would land a film but you were fine

Oh completely fine and I know that we

make sense when we in retrospect ssin

when we look back and we say oh that was

good that was bad but honestly believe

me those six months were were so good

because I would just sit and think

how the different ways that I can do the

same thing in a slightly better way so

that I feel better about it

you know dr. Banerjee who directed you

as BOM cash but she said that you have a

quiet arrogance that all actors should

hold on to um is that what gives you

clarity the clarity to stay at home for

six months and not sort of be insecure

probably yes because if you ask me right

now that what am i doing right to be in

the film industry I don't know let me be

very honest I just don't know I just do

what I want to do in a way that I really

think that I should go about but that's

about it if I don't get films next year

I would do a play or I would do I would

probably work in TV but you know you

know nice project I don't care if I

don't get any of these three things I

would buy a 5d camera I'll make a short

film I'll be the solo hero in that short

film I don't care it's just the equation

that I have with what I do

I just want to act so that there's some

relief in between so that I don't take

myself so seriously all the time that's

it tell me you you got into the film

industry which you know has now become

of course far far more professional

there corporates the studios there's

there's you know it's a very different

place from when I first started working

but it's still very much a family-run

business it is still no matter what we

think and what we say it is a very

nepotistic place um as an outsider how

difficult was it for you to negotiate

this it would be way right for me to say

anything about this because I got all I

all the things that I did and all the

things that I'm doing in next two years

these are the films that I really want

to do not because these were the best

offered to me but these are the films I

really want to do so I didn't have to

wait in between I got the films that I

wanted to do so I can't complain but it

doesn't mean that it's not there it is

there when you are successful in a way

that people recognize

your film does well at box-office when

you are successful as an outsider

you'll be discussed within a very hushed

tone and that's about it

and people are willing to just forget

about it and what if you're an insider

and you do win you're successful it's

multiplied by ten if you lose is divided

by ten so that's the mathematics but of

course you'll be affected when you are

trying to make a point to get a feedback

from from people around but I don't I'm

not saying that I don't care what you

feel when you watch my film because I do

care as I said that when that presidence

happens and when I do a kind of an

insinuation as an actor and I just I'm

just hoping that you get it and you get

it I feel very good about it but those

are the 10 days or 15 days of the

release of the film when I choose a film

when I prep for the film and I work for

the film I don't think about the

audience as well

you're not invested in box-office

success or failure I don't know people

who are invested in box-office success

in the industry that they claim to they

understand how it works because nobody

can guess I have still not found any

book that claims that this is how you'll

get hundred grows on your next road I've

read it all trust me but it doesn't it's

no formula there's no formula it's it's

only that after film does something we

sit down in a way nonchalant way and we

say this is why what happened so we try

to logically explain so it's always

defect and then we manufacture the cause

after that but not before that so nobody

knows what's going to happen so if this

is the case if this is the chaos let me

find a pattern there let me let me just

not care about it and let me be very

selfish into thinking that this is a

film I don't know the director nobody

knows a director but I like the script

and do that do you have any rituals that

you follow to hone your craft like I

read somewhere that when you start to

play a character you always find a song

for each character yes yes because I

tried to find a way I try

in reading many books but nothing helps

you know they tell you how to do the

research one of the things what is the

format and you do it but when you're in

front of the camera

you cannot play that research for some

reason I mean is there in your head but

it doesn't translate into what you do so

like okay that's not the way let me know

exactly how my character would feel at

that point of time and the best way to

do it I think is the rhythm also because

I think I started as a dancer so I get

the result great rhythm correct so so I

just somehow find a song for each and

every character of mine probably when I

tell it to you won't find any connection

between the two but somehow it tells me

that okay this is the rhythm of the

character and everything that I say

everything that I Lou

obviously there are like symbols similar

in between that will change it but

that's that's the bracket this is what

you tell us some brackets this is a I

was going through the YouTube songs of

EMS on Tony

and there was this South Indian song

which I don't understand but it was so

correct with the visuals I was like wow

so I don't understand it but I used to

hear it all the time but that was the


character it is yes Wow

Tony is the 53rd character you played

across television screen hit oh yes and

I read about the amazing prep that you

did I mean watching over a thousand

hours of footage of Boni um training

with Kieran Mauryan you know practicing

one shot for just 300 times just keep

going keep going so your body language

is exactly right

talk a little bit Sushant about the

importance of that work ethic you know I

can't emphasize enough on how important

it is to really sweat and work hard and

here's somebody who does it in an

industry that doesn't always do it so

tell us more about that

I think hard something that that's like

the way we look at it it's not that

probably people tell me that all case

law for ten months

in the Sun

playing cricket all the time but it was

it was not hard work for me let me be

very very honest here okay i started

with signing a contract and saying that

i'm doing this film which is Tony's

biopic so what are what are the things

that I want to do so I have to be very

good at cricket I have to get his body

language intonation diction everything

correct and I need to somehow which was

the most difficult word was to

understand the guy so that even in the

scenes when I improvise something I

should be confident that it's not me

improvising but him so that was the most

difficult but so these two things that

people often talk about that you've got

the cricket crickets style correct by

the way the thing that is the face

replacement is not is the body

replacement I was the one playing all

the shot so these are the wave a

relatively easier things to do I like to

play cricket

I have was never very good at it I never

made it to my school team as well but

this was a time when I'm doing any of

that uh didn't make it your school team

what you can only and I started at the

district level failed cricket and my

face felt by the way in two years

becoming a captain of Indian cricket

team so here I'm getting the MS Dhoni

skit Kiran Marais is training me and

this was like wow this is what I wanted

to do I wanted to play more I wanted to

be like can can we play for another two


so it was not hard work and that's

exactly what I want to say you know Anu

I think you would be playing those ps4

and Xbox games so when you play that at

that point of time you're so much

engrossed you're so much interested it

commands your attention so much that

you're just there and you just don't

care about what happens and then you

look at it and like walk three hours


so that is what it is time is so

subjective that when you enjoy doing

something that you do you don't get to

know that you're working so hard

somebody asked you sushant in an a in an

interview about becoming a star and you

said I don't know what that is and I

don't intend to become one are you not


seduced by the notion of stardom no if

you give it to me I keep it because I

don't know what I would do without it so

I'll just keep it but at the same time

if you don't give it to me I do miss it

because that's not something that I'm

looking forward to I'll be very honest

when I started that was the incentive I

was Am I

now you're back on yeah so that was the

intention that I was trying to give

myself into dropping out of the college

that you'll be a star one yeah be a star

I'll be the next that's it so I

convinced myself and I wanted that to

some extent just because I didn't had

those things all my 18 19 years of my

life nobody actually looked at me and

said that oh you exist nobody because I

was such an history whip into it and at

the same time although you're not that

poor or something but then money was a

differentiating each and every decision

that my family used to take and I

remember going a wanting to go to this

so University but I couldn't because I

didn't have that much money and I was a

small kid and I was like wow it's such

an unfair world because I can't lose

something that I want to do because I

don't have something that I possibly

cannot earn at this prototype so like

wow this way very important so when you

don't have it a small part of it can buy

a lot of things but after that point of

inflexion a lot we buy just a small

thing so that is the irony of it I

realized that thanks to TV because I got

that recognition I got money and I

realized wow that's it this is what I

was working for but thankfully I was

doing something that I that kept me

going that I really wanted to do and

then I've been doing all this way so you

you tell me I'm a superstar I'll take it

you're taking you tell me that you're

the biggest star you would be the

biggest story of this industry I'll say

probably yes and if you tell me that I

don't think that you're sir I like I'm

with you

hahaha so I don't care don't sue you

also said you don't know how much money

you have in your bank balance is that

true yes

no that are too much but I don't care

because okay no you don't know I don't

know or I also don't care I I don't know

because I don't care

does that make sense yes I know that I

that was that I can go about everything

that I want to do in my life

like I'll give you an example or I was

wearing the same thing in the gym for

like four five months and I was like

what are you doing you're a star Oscar

III and I was going and there was this

BMW showroom and I see this by its BMW K

1300 or I'm just planting so I look at

the bike and like wow and when I use

around thirty between thirty and forty

lakhs like this could just be a dream

for me fires back and it's like forget

the show itself by this and I bothered

so the times and whatever I tell myself

you know what

so chef's you're done you've done well

that's about it those are the things in

between much what keeps me going each

and every day in such an excited excited

such an excitement is this position you

know what what we see up so much

especially the media you know the Hindi

film industry and stars are covered

endlessly we read about you guys every

single day what we see is that part of

your life that is buying the 30 lakh

bike because you feel like it okay what

we see is the glamour is the red carpet

is all of that what we don't see really

is is the failure which is also very

public yeah um you you know you've had

films that didn't do well films that you

really put your heart and soul into like

you know Josh's yeah

Bill Gates which I love but you know not

many other people did you had you were

doing Barney with Shekar Kapur and after

months and months of prep and

conversation that project doesn't take

oh I know you said you gained from just

those conversations with shaker but that

night when you know it's not happening

or that Friday night when the film is

dead on arrival how do you move forward

how do you get

next Saturday morning and say I'm gonna

do it all over again I do it all the

time and trust me you all do it all the

time that that thing that I've the the

term that I use the impact bias that is

the thing no matter what your Friday is

when your film releases the next Friday

you'll come back to the same mental

state even if it's as a nice I think

it's an experiment that has been done

enough as many years

so a very successful good-looking guy

becomes paraplegic and a regular guy

wins a lottery so there is a huge spike

in in both the graphs and after six

months they come back to their neutral

position everybody of them so this is

what we do after so we overestimate the

impact that's going to happen if you're

successful or we fail why doesn't happen

like that and do you get sad or not even

that cause I just get fed all the time

because I look at the work I do normally

Dhoni is the only film that I when I

watched I was not watching the monitor

when I was shooting it I was just

looking at it and like why I'm good back

that's it before that when I used to

dump for the film I like oh I know that

you're pretending or you know you're not

that honest oh I could have done that so

yeah that's don't is the first time you

felt like you had acted yes you battered

yourself on the back I was smiling all

the time I like wow this is a way tricky

thing now when you don't know about a

character and I'm a very confident actor

I can convince you that this is what I

what I'm feeling but when you are the

way strong visual reference of a guy

who's immensely popular and then somehow

find a way that you're not imitating

you're not conscious that okay let me do

this so that people think that I'm

undoing or and also say you're honest

you have done your work so that you're

not thinking about all those

insinuations all the spontaneity that

people talk about so you feel it was a

way tricky thing for me and it happened

and a life you're a star yeah let's


okay with that I'd like to open it out

to you guys um who has a question and

let's keep it to film people let's not

go into D monetization and things please

hi I am Nitti and I'm doing second year

Bamm so my question is what do you think

is more challenging working in films are

working for television equally

challenging and no challenge at all at

the same time because as I said if you

really like doing what you want to do

then you you are performing in front of

a live audience or a TV camera I don't

know what camera is that but I would do

the same so it's just that so no

challenge and equally challenging at the

same time paychecks are different I'm

Dave from fic C and my question is at

what age did you recognize your passion

for flims and was that one person you

want an acting graph like oh I think the

first time was not aware of it and then

the second time it happens the first

time when I thought when I enter this

College after slogging a lot and I look

around and like wow there are no girls

this is cheating that's the real reason

you quit engineering guys the thing I'm

gonna you I'm gonna you're told your

condition that one you'll be very

successful you get a good job and then

probably a nice good so you go over it

and you have successfully crossed two

levels of it and you look around and

they're like they're no girls to

actually tell you that you're so good so

like wow this is not done so one of my

very very close for he's still a very

close friend he told me that I can you

know what you should try and do join a

dance school or something because I've

heard that the way hot girls coming

there so like yeah I'll go for it and I

joined shamah and so all this amazing he

was just driven by women this was when

when I was not aware of my calling or

probably I was thinking it was some

other calling in that one of time but

when I

when they're not talking about girls

that's a different story but I realized

that wow I actually also like to perform

and that's why I'm sitting here and

answering your question the second

question oh yeah who's whose career

would you like to emulate um my career

twin um lighting I would like to be what

I want to be 20 years down the line so

if I get there I'll be very happy

there's one thing that I think a James

Dean said if I'm not wrong he said that

it's very hard to be a good actor it's

harder to be a good human me and I want

to be both before I'm done so probably

that well hello my name is Sonali and

I'm a second iam a Swedish student so my

question for you is as being a media

student we know the pros and cons of

media so I would love to know how do you

personally deal with criticism rumors

failures etc I love answer your first

thing I'm a criticism because of

failures and success successes are way

subjective and I'm way in that respect

but but I realize that even when I

insulate myself with these two things I

mean like criticism is something that

can actually bother you all the time so

I was like okay let me act in a way so

that they say the same thing that I'm

expecting but it doesn't happen all the

time most of the time it does it sounds

like okay so what's the other way so

reject me just completely cut off and if

I if you don't get to know what they are

saying you can imagine whatever you want

to be and that's how that's what that's

how I do it I call it a Teflon coating I

don't read newspapers I don't watch TV

Netflix good but I don't get to know

what people are saying until as you walk

up to me and say that you were bad or go

to whatever why not forget in next 10

minutes but that's it

hi I'm Misha and my questions actually

do an Obama mom so momma students of


I'm really curious to know what you feel

are the few qualities that a film

critique should possess and what you

should look at and just generally you

know um honestly uh I think the first


Hritik needs to have is a great love for

cinema and not sort of selective all

cinema so that every Friday you go into

the theater feeling of feeling

optimistic I mean you've got walk in

thinking this one's going to be surely

ok there's you can't go in with cynicism

you can't go in with exhaustion you

can't go in fatigues thinking because

I'm mad at a filmmaker I know what it

takes to make a movie it's bloody hard

and nobody sets out to make a bad fur so

you've got to have that respect and love

for what you're seeing up on screen so

that's essential you want you know of

course you'll have things that you like

more than other things I mean I I'm not

I can't watch gore I can't watch blood

beyond a certain point I just can't do

it it I just shut off you know it just

freaks me out

um so you'll have those biases but but

overall you've got to be expensive in

your love for movies and um I think then

you have to have integrity I think

that's really key I I think you you must

be able to say what you actually feel

whether you piss off people and you will

I mean I do it every Friday I'm making

people mad all the time

that's what I do for a living but I have

to be honest to my response to a film I

can't lie I can't uh soften it because I

know someone or they're my husband's

friends or something like that I can't

do that so if you don't because if you

don't honest then there's no point I

mean all of us today are on social media

and everybody has a platform to express

an opinion box and my son Bob what makes

mine more special than anybody else's

you know so so I think I love a deep

deep deep love for cinema and integrity

of the two key things and then you just

keep watching and learning and writing

Susanne's last question is mine I wanted

to ask you one question

oh you wanna ask me a business I just

wanna be very intrigued I just want to

know uh anyway can you give me like that

truth I just want you please tell me

about all the fundamentals that you you

think are very important that you use to

read the film you know honestly for me

uh the first thing is really just

engagement uh I'm not somebody who's so

invested in technique or those are all

things that can I think a support your

primary thing but for me I'm old-school

its story character narrative if that

connects and and then the rest of it is

amazing then that's wonderful but I

think I would never sort of be seduced

by film because the photography is

amazing but the character is not so I am

I'm like really like just a basic front

venture where you could move the heart

everything is important when you feel it

when you feel gotta feed it so no but

last question is nine guys and I promise

you could have lunch after this what is

your mantra so Shawn what's the one

thing that you live by that we can leave

them all with uh I think if whatever I

have said I think when I was your age I

was thinking completely opposite I think

diametrically opposite but for that I

think I would say that there's one thing

that I really believe in and that says

he who thinks he can and he who thinks

he can't are both usually right so at

this point of time no matter what you

have what your present circumstances are

I'm just not concerned about that but if

you somehow make yourself believe that

is going to happen trust me it will

happen really surprised

thank you thank you so much if you like

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